A Quick Guide On Controlling Hypertension In Just 90 Days!

This quick guide on controlling hypertension contains a few essential tips and processes on the tips. Just 2 min read may save you from the next hypertension attack.

The knowledge of Ayurveda goes as back as 5000 years and considered as the “Mother of All Healing.”

It encourages prevention and lays its foundation on maintaining a healthy life just as the term “Ayurveda” in Sanskrit states, “The Science of Life.”

Ayurveda offers a variety of regiments to manage lifestyle disorders such as hypertension, blood pressure, etc. by following herbal medicines, Panchakarma (detox therapies), and light exercises such as yoga without any side-effects.




Pour regularly to keep hypertension away

Water Fasting

Water fasting refers to a method of giving your body a rest and help detoxify itself to repair old cells by restricting food intake. You can either start by intermittent fasting by limiting three meals per day to 2 meals per day temporarily, slowly increasing the time to 24 hours for 21 days.


  • Replace food with water.
  • Fast on alternate days.
  • Do the activity for 21 days, take a break for 7 to 8 days, and repeat the cycle.
  • Consult a doctor or dietician before adopting the method in case of any underlying major health issue.


control hypertension with meditation


Chanting is a part of our religion for long, and there is a good reason for it. Studies have shown by Warwick Institute that hymning has a very powerful effect on relaxing our mind and body.


  • Create a slot of 30 mins (Preferably in the morning).
  • Sit in a meditation position.
  • Close your eyes and hymn a chant of your choice, such as Om.
  • Chant for 15 mins.
  • Rest your body for 15 mins.
  • Repeat the process every day.




Shirodhara’s word originates from Sanskrit, which translates to Head (Shiro) and Flow (Dhara). It is an ancient, powerful tool to eliminate mental stress and bring mind, body, and soul into perfect harmony.


  • Visit a nearby Panchkarma Chikitshala for the procedure.
  • Practice daily for 7 to 8 days.
  • Repeat every 2 to 3 months.




Detox Juices

Detoxing aims to get rid of toxins in a body, though the human body has many natural ways of detoxifying, namely urination, sweating. The impact of urbanization and pollution has slowed down the process. Solution? Detox juices.

  • Onion-Lemon Juice – Grind and Strain a whole onion, add half a lemon to the juice and have it in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Honey-Lemon Juice – Add half a lime to lukewarm water and add one teaspoon of honey. Have it in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Tulsi-Pudhina Juice – Grind tulsi and puchina in equal quantity, Strain out the juice and add water.
  • Bottle Gourd Juice – Grind and strain half a bottle-gourd juice. Have it in the morning on an empty stomach.

The following methods are broken down and described professionally by Ms. Indu Tyagi in the healthcrum webinar.

Hypertension can be the cause of many ailments in the body; out of many, it is hair loss at an early age. Read Ayurvedic info about hair loss and how to prevent it.


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